Van wie is deze bitcoin? — Deel II Ik hou in de gaten op uitspraken die iets met Bitcoin te maken hebben. De site publiceert slechts een selectie van alle zaken, waar ik in september 2018 al eens over schreef in het artikel Van wie is deze bitcoin? Een van de dingen die me opvalt is het… Continue reading Van wie is deze bitcoin? — Deel II
A Crime on Testnet
This post is featured in my book Bitcoin – A Work in Progress. On a warm summer day I crave a frappuccino. Unfortunately drugs such as caffeine, sugar and cacao were declared illegal decades ago. This happened because young unemployed college graduates often felt triggered by loud caffeinated rich people. Sugar was causing mass obesity… Continue reading A Crime on Testnet
Van wie is deze bitcoin?
Van wie is deze bitcoin? This post is in Dutch. The short English version is in this Twitter thread: You may want to turn off transaction email notifications, and ask your favorite wallet provider to use PGP. In general email notications are a big privacy / security risk; they form a detailed record of stuff that's… Continue reading Van wie is deze bitcoin?
Bitcoin on an Orange Pi (using Armbian)
Bitcoin on an Orange Pi (using Armbian) There are some good articles on how to run a Bitcoin Core full node on a Raspberry Pi. But there are other pies, some of which have better performance. That’s great news, because the Bitcoin blockchain has grown a lot recently, so any extra CPUs, RAM and storage are… Continue reading Bitcoin on an Orange Pi (using Armbian)
Matreon: Bitcoin Core + Lightning + Rails on AWS
Bitcoin Core + Lightning + Rails on AWS Recently I’ve been working on a project code-named Matreon. It’s like Patreon, but for the matriarchy. In a world of increasing online censorship, being able to host your own website and process your own payments really helps. Step 1: your fans pick a monthly amount to contribute Step… Continue reading Matreon: Bitcoin Core + Lightning + Rails on AWS
Bitcoin Core Wishlist
Bitcoin Core Wishlist I started to contribute code and reviews to Bitcoin Core a few months ago and gradually accumulated lists of stuff I’d like to see. Some of these I can do myself, others are still beyond my level of expertise, still others might be terrible ideas and never happen.
Decoding a BIP-70 Payment Request
Decoding a BIP-70 Payment Request I was trying to understand BIP-70 Payment Requests a bit better, mainly because I am confused by BitPay’s claim that they can somehow block “mistaken” transactions: We can also analyze transactions to make sure an adequate bitcoin miner fee is included. If the fee isn’t sufficient to allow the transaction to… Continue reading Decoding a BIP-70 Payment Request
On Fees
On Fees When sending less than €1,000 of Bitcoin it’s worth paying attention to fees, but keep mind that your payment is competing with transactions that move €100,000 on equal terms. Transactions are charged per byte, not as a percentage of the amount. But willingness to pay is obviously a percentage of the amount. It’s… Continue reading On Fees
Debugging Bitcoin Core Functional Tests
I was trying to improve the functional tests for bumpfee, a Bitcoin Core wallet feature that lets you increase the fee of a transaction that’s unconfirmed and stuck. Unfortunately I introduced a bug in the test, which I’m still in the process of tracking down. Every disadvantage has its advantage, so I took the opportunity… Continue reading Debugging Bitcoin Core Functional Tests
A Short History of Replay Protection
A Short History of Replay Protection This article is based on the slides I used for a presentation at the Hong Kong Bitcoin Developer meetup on November 1st, plus some feedback I received on the Slack. This was before SegWit2x was called off, but in the interest of (my) time, I haven’t adjusted this… Continue reading A Short History of Replay Protection