I installed the Sleep Cycle iPhone app about a month ago, so I thought it was time for an update. Let me share some data:
Natural Selection of Information – Can Google Help?
A friend of mine brought to my attention an article with the Top 5 Threats to science-based medicine. It mentions the usual state sponsored quacks, but the most interesting one is #5: New Media. Of course, “user generated content” and unvetted health advice and claims are easily made by anyone anytime. And thanks to the… Continue reading Natural Selection of Information – Can Google Help?
Van frisdrankautomaat naar platform – Politie 2.0
Dit is een eerste opzetje van mijn gedachten rond dit onderwerp. Het is niet een officieel standpunt van welke organisatie dan ook, maar wie weet wordt het dat ooit. Frisdrankautomaat of platform? Tim O’Reilly – uitgever en bedenker van de term “Web 2.0” – zette begin 2009 een visie neer over Overheid 2.0. De overheid… Continue reading Van frisdrankautomaat naar platform – Politie 2.0
Requesting Bulgarian to English speech to text iPhone app
I’m going to TEDxBG in Bulgaria on January 9th. The speaker line-up looks great, but there’s only one issue: not all talks will be in English. Now there’s several ways to deal with that. I could learn Bulgarian. According to Tim Ferriss it’s a piece of cake and won’t take much time. I already speak… Continue reading Requesting Bulgarian to English speech to text iPhone app
Hans Brinker
I came accross two key recommendations of Hang Together or Separately, Oxfam International’s call to action to Copenhagen: Copenhagen must deliver a fair and adequate climate deal: one that keeps global warming as far below 2°C as possible, and that reflects the historical responsibility for emissions and the economic capability of developed countries. Rich countries… Continue reading Hans Brinker
Lomborg vs. Greenpeace in NRC-Next
Ik vond het leuk om vorige week in de NRC-Next een artikel van Bjorn Lomborg tegen te komen, dat een vertaling is van zijn artikel in The Guardian. Hoewel enigszins overdreven – ik heb sowieso niet zoveel met kinderen – komt zijn betoog erop neer dat de klimaathysterie in wereld schadelijk is voor de moraal… Continue reading Lomborg vs. Greenpeace in NRC-Next
TED India fundraising update
As you are probably aware, I am trying to raise funds so I can go to TED India. I’ve reached 9% of the target so far, which is 6 times as much as reached in my previous campaign. The experience has already been invaluable. First, there was the blog post. As you can see, the… Continue reading TED India fundraising update
GTD vs. 4HWW – and Flow
I just read an interesting and funny blog post that compares two well known – among certain people – productivity systems: Getting Things Done by David Allen and The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. I left a comment there that – in all my modesty – I’d like to share with you. About… Continue reading GTD vs. 4HWW – and Flow
Help Sjors get to TED India
I’m going to TED India! My application has been accepted (you have to apply in order to attend) and I’ve booked my flight. Only one minor detail remains: paying for the conference ticket. I “should” be able to “afford” this conference, since I’m a software engineer in a fairly rich country. So it’s really a… Continue reading Help Sjors get to TED India
Weight vs. Sleep
I decided to keep track of my weight for a month, as a 30 day trial. I weighed myself first thing every morning on a cheap digital scale. The result is the blue line in the chart below. I knew there’d be some variation, but I wanted to figure out what is causing that. My… Continue reading Weight vs. Sleep