Op de Spoorzone Overvecht website heb ik zojuist een artikel geschreven waarin ik probeer uit te zoeken wat nou eigenlijk het kostenplaatje van sloop en nieuwbouw is en hoe dat zich verhoudt tot niks doen. Wat me vooral opvalt is dat buitengewoon triviale en cruciale informatie niet (of in ieder geval niet makkelijk) te vinden… Continue reading Wat kost dat nou?
What if the Romans had Wave?
Let me explain in a non technical way why Google Wave is a breakthrough. I argue that it doesn’t just revolutionarize the concept of email (only a few decades old), it changes the very concept of mail (thousands of years old). Let’s go back in time and imagine the Romans had Wave. First of all,… Continue reading What if the Romans had Wave?
Nu ik opzoek ben naar een baan, is het begrip scheefwonen – in een huis wonen dat te goedkoop is voor je inkomen – ineens weer relevant geworden.Als ik straks een baan heb, ben ik dan een scheefwoner? En is dat erg? Sommige van mijn beste vrienden zijn tenslotte scheefwoners. Vandaag werd er weer klakkeloos… Continue reading Scheefwonen
Adopt a Star
Back in February I watched Travis Metcalfe’s talk about the Pale Blue Dot project, where you can adopt a star for $10 and sponsor scientific research. And not just any star; the recently launched Kepler satellite is looking for planets around these stars. Now that’s a cheap price to pay for so much fame and… Continue reading Adopt a Star
I guess the reason Jobtorrent is just sitting there not being used – even though it works – is that it needs a bit more explaining. It’s very different from Job Feedr, even different from Odesk or even Mechanical Turk (although that gets pretty close). The thing that frustrated me about Odesk is that even… Continue reading Jobtorrent
How to survice being outsourced
Steve Sammartino – author of Start Up Blog – just listed ten reasons for outsourcing digital work and why it’s ethical. My personal ethics were easily satisfied with reason 9: The outsourced work is not dangerous – we are not sending kids down a mine or employing child labour. So I don’t see any ethical… Continue reading How to survice being outsourced
Melbourne -> Utrecht
All good things come to an end and worse still: you sometimes need to plan that end. I figured I might as well make that end as interesting as possible, so here we go!
Proposed adjustment to carrier fee structure
I would love to share my Internet connection with my neighbors as a way to reduce cost and increase speed and I’m pretty sure a lot of companies would love to do the same thing. Nowadays everyone with a wireless router and an ADSL modem can share and even sell their bandwidth. Except for a… Continue reading Proposed adjustment to carrier fee structure
Solving Unproductivity
I will distribute free copies of Getting Things Done! We all want to save the world, but we are remarkably ineffective at it. We leave the car at home once a week, replace a few light bulbs and complain to our friends that the government should do something about AIDS. Perhaps we even donate a… Continue reading Solving Unproductivity
X-Prize for carbon removal?
Last year, Richard Branson offered $25 million to the person who comes up with the best way of removing one billion tonnes of carbon per year from the atmosphere. I say, let’s be a bit more ambitious and offer $10 billion to the person who actually removes about 300 billion tons before 2013. In other… Continue reading X-Prize for carbon removal?