Update 17-7-2008 : “Formal” demo server now runs on apache2-mod-python API Not much has changed on the outside, but a lot has changed on the inside. Most importantly you can now get the altitude profile through a RESTful API. My mentor Artem Dudarev built a nice Google Maps demo that uses this API. A more… Continue reading RESTful


I built a simple website that displays the altitude profile for four different example routes. But you can already get the altitude profile for any route in Australia through an XML-RPC request to: And then call one of the following two functions: altitude_profile(route) : returns an xml document altitude_profile_gchart(route) : returns a Google Chart… Continue reading Demonstration

Categorized as gsoc


Its been a while since my last travel related post. To make a long story short: I spent a week in lovely Canberra and another week in warm Brisbane. I then discovered that the combination of programming and traveling was a bit too much of good thing, so I decided to fly back to Melbourne… Continue reading Apartment

Started coding

Last week I learned more about Postgres and I think I will like that better than MySQL once I have completely figured it out. I also looked at the GIS extension PostGIS and in particular how I can access it through Python. I considered Django and some other options, but this part is still a… Continue reading Started coding

Categorized as gsoc

Bangkok and Melbourne

G’Day mates, Ik schrijf mijn berichten voorlopig in het Engels, zodat mijn eventuele nieuwe vrienden in Australië ook kunnen meegenieten. Rechtsboven deze pagina bevindt zich de knop “Google Translate”. Daarmee kan je deze pagina automatisch vertalen naar het Nederlands, hoewel de kwaliteit van de vertaling nog wat te wensen overlaat. I made it to Australia!… Continue reading Bangkok and Melbourne